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Floridians  for  Immigration  Enforcement

When immigration is viewed only racially and culturally, limits and legality will never be imposed.  The debate must focus on limitations and lawfulness, otherwise open borders will make the United States a marketplace and not a country.

FLoridians for IMmigration ENforcement (FLIMEN) is a group of concerned Floridians advocating for immigration enforcement.  The group will also strive to eliminate illegal immigration incentives and will challenge the myths and pandering by elected officials and newspapers.  Please consider signing up for free FLIMEN Alerts.

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IA Hiring Halls

Often the term for Day Labor Centers is used as a euphemism for Illegal Alien Hiring Halls. The two remaining Illegal Alien Hiring Halls in Florida must be shut down.


Florida's Illegal Alien Hiring Halls

1. Jupiter - Opened 9/2006 and still OPEN.

2. Loxahatchee Goves - Opened 2/2008 but now CLOSED.

3. Lake Worth - Scheduled to open 2008 but now CLOSED.

4. Cutler Bay - Opened 3/2008.

5. West Palm Beach - Proposed but NEVER OPENED.

Hey, it's down to two, from like 4-5.   Better but this is still unacceptable.

As of November 1, 2013 there are two taxpayer-supported illegal alien hiring halls in Florida, one in Jupiter and one in Cutler Bay (Miami).  The Loxahatchee Groves Illegal Alien Hiring Hall closed.  The Lake Worth Illegal Alien Hiring Hall closed  December 31, 2010.  The proposed West Palm Beach Illegal Alien Hiring Hall thankfully never materialized.

FLIMEN and many Lake Worth citizens were very active in opposing the Lake Worth Illegal Alien Hiring Hall.  Finally, on October 5, 2010 the Lake Worth City Commission voted to shut down the Lake Worth Illegal Alien Hiring Hall.  The reason being that Lake Worth was nearing bankruptcy and needed the facilities for legitimate services.  FLIMEN VP David Caulkett attended the final hearing and stated:

"The Lake Worth Illegal Alien Hiring Hall is closing because of near bankruptcy, not because of principles. Perhaps if elected officials in Lake Worth and throughout the USA diligently applied principles, we might have a fiscally healthy nation, instead of waiting up to the moment of bankruptcy."

Per Lake Worth labor center told to move out of city shuffleboard building:

LAKE WORTH - The Lake Worth Resource Center must move out of the shuffleboard building by the end of this year, city commissioners decided Tuesday night. Commissioners ended leases for the day-labor center and three organizations that use space in the City Hall Annex in a 4-1 vote, with Commissioner Cara Jennings dissenting.

The Jupiter Illegal Alien Hiring Hall was the first in Florida and is known as the 'El Sol Model' where supporters try to proliferate the 'day labor centers' to other Florida municipalities in a misguided attempt to combat on-the-street job solicitation by unlawfully present foreign nationals. 

Legitimizing illegal hiring by officially sanctioning illegal alien hiring halls is not a solution.  Consider:

When will the El Sol Plague reach your neighborhood?

The Lake Worth, Loxahatchee Groves and Cutler Bay halls were modeled after the El Sol model.  

El Sol proponents seemingly are seeking to rival McDonald's expansion plans.  Per a September 16, 2006 Palm Beach (Com)Post editorial:

"El Sol has the chance to be the model for Lake Worth, West Palm Beach and cities throughout South Florida that realize the corrosive effects of ignoring a problem that isn't going away."

Because the Jupiter El Sol model is a root cause of the proliferations, citizen opponents and FLIMEN have made it a priority to shut down El Sol. 
For more information:

August 15, 2019