Floridians for Immigration Enforcement |
When immigration is viewed only racially and culturally, limits and legality will never be
imposed. The debate must focus on limitations and lawfulness,
otherwise open borders will make the United States a marketplace and not a country. |
FLoridians for IMmigration
ENforcement (FLIMEN) is a group of concerned Floridians advocating for
immigration enforcement. The group will
also strive to eliminate illegal immigration incentives and will
challenge the myths and pandering by elected officials and newspapers.
Please consider signing up for free FLIMEN Alerts. |
Blogs for Borders - List of videos that are really great stuff and good selection!
FLIMEN Board Members Enos Schera & David Caulkett debating amnesty groups 1 of 2:
FLIMEN Board Members Enos Schera & David Caulkett debating
amnesty groups 2 of 2:
Testimony of illegal alien care from 1 Florida hospital |