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Floridians  for  Immigration  Enforcement

When immigration is viewed only racially and culturally, limits and legality will never be imposed.  The debate must focus on limitations and lawfulness, otherwise open borders will make the United States a marketplace and not a country.

FLoridians for IMmigration ENforcement (FLIMEN) is a group of concerned Floridians advocating for immigration enforcement.  The group will also strive to eliminate illegal immigration incentives and will challenge the myths and pandering by elected officials and newspapers.  Please consider signing up for free FLIMEN Alerts.

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Joe Gruters

Candidate website;

Joe Gruters sponsored a mandatory E-Verify bill in his freshman year as a State Representative; HB443.

Statement by David Caulkett, FLIMEN founder and VP;

Floridians for Immigration Enforcement (FLIMEN) enthusiastically endorses Joe Gruters for Florida Senate, District 23. Joe Gruters sponsored a mandatory E-Verify bill in his freshman year as a State Representative. This ACTION separates Joe Gruters from others who PROMISE to support immigration but far too often renege on their campaign rhetoric. E-Verify has failed in the Florida Legislature for a decade due to opposition from deep-pocket business interests. The next Legislative Session offers the best chance in a decade to enact the proven common sense E-Verify solution and Joe Gruters is desperately needed to lead the battle. Vote Joe Gruters for FL Senate 23. See