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Floridians  for  Immigration  Enforcement

When immigration is viewed only racially and culturally, limits and legality will never be imposed.  The debate must focus on limitations and lawfulness, otherwise open borders will make the United States a marketplace and not a country.

FLoridians for IMmigration ENforcement (FLIMEN) is a group of concerned Floridians advocating for immigration enforcement.  The group will also strive to eliminate illegal immigration incentives and will challenge the myths and pandering by elected officials and newspapers.  Please consider signing up for free FLIMEN Alerts.

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Flordians for Immigration Enforcement (FLIMEN) is now inactive.

The information herein remains as a historical archive.

FLIMEN was very active from 2004 to 2021. Concerned citizens throughout the state and nation joined together to advocate for immigration enforcement for about 17 years. One of the most patriotic and talented individuals to join in the effort was John C. Oliver. Jack was a strong, visionary leader who passionately worked for E-Verify and Anti-sanctuary bills. Jack passed away in 2018, a few years before he could have seen the Anti-sanctuary bill enacted in 2019 or the E-Verify bill enacted in 2023.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, to the great Governor DeSantis who finally got the job done that no one else had been able to do!

Floridians worked hard for these major E-Verify and Anti-sanctuary victories but as we know it is not over yet.

David W. Caulkett, VP

FLIMEN's primary goals are; 1) mandatory E-Verify, 2) end sanctuaries, and 3) shut down all illegal alien hiring halls.

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Other FLIMEN Web Sites
Floridians for E-Verify Now
Which Child Would Your Choose


The Appeals Court has ruled in favor of the Florida Anti-Sanctuary law, known as bill SB168.

The attempt by SPLC and others to thwart immigration law at any cost has failed miserably!!

Floridians  for  Immigration  Enforcement


Grieving Angel Mom and Family Have to Grieve Again!!!


Kenneth Scott Mahr was about to graduate from high school when he was killed by an unlicensed illegal alien who ran a stop sign in 2017.  The illegal alien, Eustacio Gregorio-Meza, was deported in 2003 and again in 2018 back to Mexico and has since returned to USA.  He was apprehended in November, 2022 and put in County jail.

After some uncertainty whether an ICE detainer would be made upon release from County jail on December 14, 2022, the illegal alien was thankfully remanded to federal ICE officials.  The federal felon now faces 10 years imprisonment but will that happen?  As so often happens, the alien is quickly deported in lieu of jail time, only to quickly return through the revolving door of our open border.

Support Needed at Victim Impact Hearing



Kenneth Scott Mahr and his grandpa ‘pop pop




“The hurt runs deep.”

Angel Mom Jennifer Mahr-Walter


This grieving family has not gotten any respite from the anarchy of Open Borders.  They must grieve again.  Please support them by attending their Victim Impact Hearing;

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

10:00 AM, Room 5 (Confirm upon arrival as hearing rooms sometimes change)

Paul G. Rogers Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse

701 Clematis Street

West Palm Beach, FL 33401


PDF of this flyer

Remembrance Project Panel


Amazon allows bigoted leftists from the sleazeball HATE group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to run its charitable giving program.

More info on SPLC


Tucker exposes the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center)!

especially News Center Florida, The Ledger, Miami Herald, Orlando Weekly, Herald Tribune, Miami New Times,and Palm Beach (Com)post,
love the SPLC and use their 'Hate Map' to smear anyone with whom they disagree.
