PALM BEACH POST, December 9, 2007 (Not online)

Center's protesters should redirect anger

I had the opportunity to speak to some of the protesters last weekend outside of El Sol, Jupiter's Neighborhood Resource Center, where the Guatemalan mobile-consulate was issuing Guatemalan passports and consular identification cards (Dec. 1, Metro Report). The people I spoke to were angry, and they directed their anger at the Guatemalan immigrants, the consular staff and El Sol's volunteers. Their anger was palpable but also misplaced. As the handful of protesters chanted "no IDs" and "speak English" through a bullhorn, a local police officer expressed puzzlement at their message, since the ID cards allow police to match names to faces and solve crimes. "Yes," I replied, "and El Sol's English language classes are full six days a week."

There is a lot to be angry about in the larger immigration debate in this country. But that anger is misplaced when we turn it against immigrants themselves or the local people and institutions working to address the problems our federal government has not.



Editor's note: Dr. Steigenga is a board member for the migrant-advocacy organization Corn Maya.